Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In other music news

Hey everyone, I have been gone a couple of months, in the process of moving-hence not a lot of new things musically. All of my stuff is still available, still the pay what you want deal (or free from various labels and websites). Coming up soon is a track I contributed to the No Tone project curated by Ian Downey of Rochester. Also a track on an upcoming Carbon records compilation of Rochester noise artists. The Gallery has now closed it doors, sad to see it go, but happy for the curators moving on to bigger and better things. I participated in a couple of recording sessions for them which may see the light of day soon. And of course I have some music I have been sitting on for several months which will get released at some point. If I end up playing out anywhere I will try putting it up here. Stay well

Output Noise Document 6 Release

Been a little while since I have posted here, with moving and everything. I neglected to put this up, this is the newest Output Noise release, number 6 for those who are counting. I am on tracks 1 and 2-there is some very sympathetic listening and playing going on throughout the disc, and will reward careful listening. This is available by going to http://www.outputnoise.com . Consider getting a subscription, as the curators need support to continue to release sessions like these.